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  • Nigel Kukard's avatar
    Fixed burst limits · 0796a91f
    Nigel Kukard authored
    1. Firstly, the main link should always have enough tokens to cover full
    burst speed, and cburst speed. If we don't we run into negatives and
    traffic drops.
    2. Add cburst. Set the class burst (and borrowing) to 10% of the difference
    of Limit - CIR to allow a sort of fairness between classes based on how much
    leeway is provided to utilize free bandwidth.
    burst was set based on Limit, this is wrong. If mulitple classes Limits
    add up to more than the CIR of the main link, the main link tokens will
    be depleted. burst is now based on the CIR. cburst is now based on the
    3. Fixed the calculation of RED min and max to make the WMA algorith
    work and not moan.